Best Penis Enlargement Exercises to Make It Bigger Naturally

Learn to make your penis bigger naturally using best male enlargement exercises. It is the desire of every man to have a large penis size. There are different ways of achieving this common desire shared among men.

As a man, you can opt for natural exercises that work to increase the size of penis. There are also programs that work to help men increase the size of their penis in a natural manner. We will highlight the top exercises to do as well as the best programs for increasing the size of a man’s penis.

The Best Exercises To Increase Penis Size

  1. Jelqing/Milking

This is among the most popular exercises for increasing the size of penis. To perform this exercise, you should apply lubricants to your penis and then put your right hand in an OK sign as you massage it to the head of the penis. Penis should be in semi-erect state and you can repeat the process to your level. As a beginner, you should try to minimize this exercise until you master it well.

best rated penis enlargement exercise

  1. The ultimate stretcher

This exercise requires a man to grab the head of his penis and stretch it outwards gently. When the penis is fully stretched, you should hold to the position for about 20 seconds. 5 to 10 minutes of this exercise is enough.

  1. Rotation

It is similar to the ultimate stretcher with the difference being that a man is required to rotate the phallus in complete circular motions. [How to Buy Phallosan Forte in Australia, South Africa, Malaysia?]

  1. Weight-lifting

It may sound a bit funny but it is true that you can do weight-lifting with your penis. You will not be using the regular weights found in the gym but special ones meant for this purpose. The weights should not be put on an erect penis. This method is known to offer permanent results.

Best Penis Enlargement Program

There are many penis enlargement programs in the market but the Penis Enlargement Bible and Phalogenics Traction are the best ones you can rely on in the market today. We will write all that you need to know about these two best programs.

The Penis Enlargement Bible Review

The program contains 247 pages with methods of increases the size of a man’s penis in a natural manner. The author of the book, John Collins, is a reputable sex educator and researcher. His name is among the leading ones in male enlargement programs.

Features of the program

  • Increases a man’s penis by 1-4 inches
  • It is a completely natural program
  • There are no drugs recommended

Where to buy at best price?

Penis Enlargement Bible is among the leading online programs for increasing the size of a penis. It retails at $99.9.

You can buy it on various online platforms including Amazon. However, it is recommended you purchase it from the official website.

Phalogenics Traction Review

This is another interesting book that teaches men the natural ways of increasing penis size. The phalogenics traction is suitable for men of different penis sizes.


  • Improves erectile
  • Boosts a man’s performance
  • Provide tips on what to eat to increase penis size
  • No side effects

The program takes 60 days. At the end of the program, you can increase your penis size by up to 3.6 inches.

Price and where to buy phalogenics traction?

The program retails at $69.9. You should buy it from the official website of the author.

Now that you have the best programs for penis enlargement exercises, you should buy them and begin the course that will help you increase the size of your penis.

Another great exercise program is the penis professor which is available in form of pdf and video Dvds.

Are you aware about any other Penis Enlargement Exercises? Share your ideas or doubts to make your dick bigger.

Originally posted 2017-11-15 06:57:58.

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